Firstly I must admit this topic is inspired by one of friend’s FB status update. The update was ‘Easier to Forgive….Difficult to Forget’ and there was lot of agreement and disagreement with this statement. This statement reminded me some of the past incident of my life and I came up with this idea, lets write on this topic. According to some people, forgiveness make you a great person but you should remember the incident so you don’t walk through that path again and others think then u haven’t forgave yet. Here I must say, sometime we treat ‘let it go’ as ‘forgiveness’, & we never forget the sin and the person involve in the sin. If we think the incident was not a sin then we just have to let it go, there is no need of forgiveness.
Once I asked my father ‘have you forgave him’, the obvious question was ‘who?’. I said ‘the man cheated you with your first savings’. He smiled at me & told me ‘if I have failed to forgive him, then I would never trust anyone else & we are not poor today’. Yes I agree he must have forgiven him but never forgot the incident, this memory he will carry lifelong, and some incident you can’t forget.
I had a friend or I must say the person is still one of my good friend. Every time we meet, we chat and fight about my friend’s disappearance after the previous meet and no information about the incidents took place in our lives. Every time I think next time if I see the person in the road I will never talk back or I would never answer the email. But after all these years I realised I would never forget the person after all those act and now a days when my mom asks about that friend, I usually reply, well the friend would appear from some of this empty space. Then there would be an emotional drama and we will talk normally again, after some time we will not be in touch again. So sometime you have to let it go and may be you don’t want to forget the incident or the person.
Then there is another incident, I had a very close friend. Who actually help me a lot to overcome my difficulties, understand me the most and be there even when I haven’t ask for the help. I considered the person as my true friend and I had this believe whenever I would need the help most, the person would appear as an angel. But in the trouble time, the whole situation was reverse. My friend was the first person who left me in my trouble time and never came back. With time, i forgot the incident, but if you ask me about the forgiveness, well some acts never reach the level of forgiveness. This time is was easily forgotten but never forgiven.
This is my idea about forgive and forget, it will vary from person to person. Some time we don’t want to forget and we can’t forgive but in both case someone hurt our feelings and trust.